Friday, June 4, 2010

South Park In Ipod Touch

Medicinal stones

Well, we all know already that the salvation earth w ffective is on gastric acidity and diarrhea, and that Earth has indeed somehow what to do with stones, but is not that of medieval superstition that inherent in precious stones have healing powers?

Let me put it this way:

what could happen to us at first, superficially quite like superstition and spiritual nonsense, now actually measurable in some way.

"How?", You will surely want to ask me now.

Well, let's take a closer look once gems:

First, we will notice the color , then if the stone is transparent or not.

The color and is already a first indication of a possible effect, since we could now prove scientifically that colors affect us.

We know for example that the blue blood pressure regulation rather downward, while red it "active" does.

Green is another of the "cool colors".

The colors wrden green and blue so all act as support, and if too much heat and activity prevails, they will calming "effect .

blue gems, for example lapis lazuli and blue sapphire.

The amazing thing about these modern findings is that our ancestors the same had also found out already, and that means many years of observation.

They sat so blue and green one, both in clothing and in jewelry. , You wear so well as clothing on the body, and place it as close to the "destination" position.

And, - it certainly had an effect that we know today that we will always feel blue painted areas as cool as a painted yellow and orange.

Although there completely same temperature, we shiver in blue rooms long before we shiver in yellow rooms ...

The color theory, with which incidentally was Goethe, who Dichterfüst and universal genius was concerned, was used in recent years and developed as a therapeutic procedure.

colors the way you can "eat" too, but we shall come back elsewhere. In any case, all home cooks can now look forward to refined cooking!

soon ... just come along with "atomic vibration" and "crystal structure", and I can already promise that it will be exciting!


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